Sniffing lawn®
Sniffing lawn®
Sniffing lawn®
Sniffing lawn®
Sniffing lawn®
Sniffing lawn®
Sniffing lawn®
Sniffing lawn®
Sniffing lawn®
Sniffing lawn®
Kunde 1 Kunde 2
Leon, Kim und 9.523 weitere Kunden lieben den Schnüffelrasen

Sniffing lawn®

Regular price €69,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €69,00 EUR
Tax included.
Größe: Standard

Kostenloser Versand

ab 40€ in DE

Wasch- und Trockenbar

Premium Qualität

Made in Germany

Ökotex Zertifiziert

Frei von Schadstoffen

Aktuell in Warenkörben

  • In stock
  • Inventory on the way

Now there’s no more boredom!
Here you will find a small game unit for in between.
Hide a few treats and watch as your four-legged friend eagerly searches for them. Suitable for all dogs.

Infos zum Produkt
  • über 1150 "Halme" auf 60 x 60cm bespielbarer Fläche
  • Verarbeitung von über 3m² hochwertigem Polarfleece
  • Schadstofffreiheit geprüft nach Ökotex 100
  • Zertifiziert durch die Fachstelle für tiergerechte Tierhaltung und Tierschutz
  • Waschbar bei 40° und auch trocknergeeignet
  • Handarbeit aus Deutschland
  • Maße: ca. 60 x 60 cm
  • Art.Nmr.: 10010100

Produktsicherheit verantwortliche Person für die EU

Verantwortlich für dieses Produkt ist der in der EU ansässige Wirtschaftsakteur:

Brigitte Knauder
Mollenbachstr. 33-35
71229 Leonberg

Telefon: +4971188827869
Telefax: 071529095391


Sniffing lawn®

Sniffing lawn®

Regular price €69,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €69,00 EUR


Makes every day an adventure

Lets your dog follow his instincts in a fun way that helps boost his mental health. Fully machine washable and tumble dryable to keep care as easy as possible.

Sniffing makes your Dog happy

Sniffing is a natural way to exercise your dog, encourage his instincts and stimulate him mentally - all in small play sessions in between. 7-10 minutes of intensive sniffing exercises dogs as much as a walk of around an hour.

Put an end to the endless search for the perfect dog toy!

Many dog ​​owners know the problem: toys that don't do what they promise and dogs that quickly lose interest. The sniffing lawn from Knauder's Best is different. It not only offers long-lasting activity, but also a healthy challenge for your dog. Discover how to keep your dog happy and healthy without making any compromises.

Did you know?

The miracle of a dog’s nose

The dog's nose is a true miracle! With around 300 million olfactory cells, it is up to 100,000 times more powerful than a human's. For dogs, sniffing is much more than just smell perception - it is their way of discovering the world and getting mental stimulation. Regular sniffing keeps the dog busy and satisfied, as it challenges them mentally and supports their natural behavior. Sniffing games are therefore ideal for keeping dogs occupied in a species-appropriate way!

This is what our customers say:

Over 10,000 happy dogs.

"My dachshund's best friend!"

I have had my sniffer lawn for 5 years and use it almost every day - we can't imagine life without it!

— Michael

"Never again without!"

For me, Knauder's Best products are really "tools" - the "Swiss Army knife of sniffer products"!

— Peter

"My dog ​​loves to sniff"

My hound Amy just loves to sniff and with the sniffing lawn I can allow her to do that every evening!

— Kathy

"The sniffing lawn is just great!"

Our dog got the hang of it pretty quickly and he seems to have so much fun with it - I'm really happy with how ambitiously he sniffs around with his nose 😆

— Author's name

Everything about sniffing grass

Find out how 1150 straws will change your dog’s everyday life.

What material is the lawn made of?

Yes. We ship orders worldwide. See more information from other shipping related FAQ questions.

Is the lawn durable

Das Schnüffeln nach Leckerlies ist nicht nur eine unterhaltsame Beschäftigung für deinen Hund, sondern es hat auch eine Vielzahl von positiven Auswirkungen auf seine Gesundheit und sein Wohlbefinden. Das intensive Schnüffeln regt seine Sinne und den Stoffwechsel an, fördert seine Konzentration, kann helfen Stress abzubauen und aufgeregte Hunde zu beruhigen.
Wusstest du, dass beim Schnüffeln sogar Glückshormone freigesetzt werden?

Mit dem Schnüffelrasen kannst du deinen Hund auf natürliche Weise auslasten, seine  Instinkte fördern und ihn geistig stimulieren – und das alles in kleinen Spieleinheiten zwischendurch. Denn 7-10 Minuten intensives Schnüffeln lasten Hunde aus wie ein Spaziergang von ca. einer Stunde.

Is the lawn suitable for my dog?

Yes. We ship orders worldwide. See more information from other shipping related FAQ questions.

How can I clean the lawn?

Yes. We ship orders worldwide. See more information from other shipping related FAQ questions.

Knauder's Best

The name is a promise.

We do our best. With every idea, in every toy and accessory, in every customer conversation and in every single encounter with a dog.